Detroit school TDD

If you only hear of one kind of Test-Driven-Development, it is this one.


The name comes from the Extreme Programming community in Detroit that developed the main ideas and principles behind it.

It is also sometimes called “Chicago style” or “Classical” / “Traditional” - because it laid the foundation of most of the core concepts of TDD and wields significant influence on the common wisdom, documentation, training, and tools that support TDD (and as a result, modern automated software testing).

What is it?

What distinguishes this school is the emphasis on a technique called triangulation.

In Detroit-school TDD, a public API is first identified by writing a test against it, then each successive test is written as an example of its use, which drives out additional requirements. At its most simple, its workflow is:

  1. Write a failing test
  2. Change the implementation to make it pass (or change the message)
  3. Refactor
  4. Go to Step 1


When test-driving an implementation of a program that converts integers into roman numerals, we might start with the simplest test: ”roman numeral for 1 is I”

We write a failing test, requiring 1 to be converted to “I”.

The simplest solution might be to return the hardcoded literal value “I”. Then we move on to the next easiest failing test.

Test round #1: 1 = I -> return “I”

Test round #2: 2 = II -> if integer = 1 return “I” else return “II”

Test round #3: 3 = III -> while(integer > 0) concatenate “I” to result and decrement integer.


There are numerous intended benefits of this approach, including:

  • Working in very small increments
  • Having the regression safety net of the previous tests when adding each requirement
  • Freedom to aggressively refactor the implementation, since (ideally) the tests will have very little coupling to implementation details
  • Resulting tests provide a complete (if highly redundant) regression test suite, if TDD is practiced universally
Written on July 25, 2017