What are pure functions, side-causes and side-effects?
A function is a process which takes some input, called arguments, and produces some output called a return value.
Junior Front End Developer. Architect who codes!
A function is a process which takes some input, called arguments, and produces some output called a return value.
If you only hear of one kind of Test-Driven-Development, it is this one.
A README is the first file a person should read when encountering a source tree, and it should be written as a very brief, very basic introduction to the software.
Responsive Web Design is an approach to web design and development that websites and web applications respond to a screen size, layout and resolution of the device on which they’re being accessed.
Let’s start with explaining what MVC is.
TETO-principle means Test Early, Test Often. Test not too late, not too little and not for the wrong reasons.
There are a lot of buzz words people throw around when talking about good practices in web and software development.
Karma is a type of test runner that creates a server, and then spins up tests in various browsers using data derived from that fake server.
To understand what happens when we Google something, we need to dig deeper and follow the process from the other end.
In general, all of the machines on the Internet can be categories as two types: servers and clients.